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Theory – Online Monday 3

April 6pm

Ridder Wednesday

5th April Upper House Farm, 2pm

Cost £20

Riding and Road Safety assessment comes in three parts theory, a tack inspection, and a

ridden assessment. All three sections need to be passed to achieve the badges. The Pony Club Junior Road Rider Book provides information to read up on before the sessions. This training and assessment is compulsory for all members and must be completed in order for you to take your efficiency tests.

What test should I take?

For those aged 7yrs and over, you should take you Mini Achievement Badge before taking your D test. If you are aged 11 years and over, you can take your Road Rider Achievement Badge.

What do I need to do for the training and assessment?

Monday 3rd April 2023 6-7.30pm Via Zoom with Harriet Kitching

Members will be given a presentation on how to prepare for, ride and behave on the roads. They will also watch video clips. At the end of the session there will be a Google docs quiz and members will need to answer a minimum of 8 out of 10 questions correctly to pass this section and move on to the ridden assessment. The level of questioning is based on the level of badge being taken. Outside assistance will result in the member failing the theory section.

Please bring examples of highviz, PEE and items you may require to take out on roads with you to screen for discussion. See The Pony Club Junior Road Rider Book.

Rules for online sessions:

  • Cameras must be always turned on and the member fully visible to the instructor and supervising adult.

  • Please mute microphones unless advised otherwise by the instructor.

  • Members should be in a public place in the house i.e., not in their bedroom.

  • Please avoid eating on screen.

  • Bring a pen and paper to write notes.

  • Parents must not assist with answering questions but should be within ear shot should they be needed.

Wednesday 5th April from 2pm Upper House Farm with Harriet Kitching and Emily Bilton-Sanderson

This will start promptly ON FOOT at 2pm followed by a tack inspection. Members please be dressed in correct riding equipment and highviz clothing, and parents please have ponies on standby tacked up and ready. The sessions last approx. 1.5hrs.

  • The session will start with on foot walking of the simulated road routes.

  • Riders and horses will be tack and equipment inspected (please make sure you have as a minimum a high viz jacket or tabard on as a rider and leg bands on the horse.

  • You will go through your preriding necessary checks with your instructors (parents please hold horses)

  • Ridden practice of the simulated road route.

  • Assessment followed by a debrief with parents.

  • Parents and members please pack away the equipment used before leaving.

Road Rider Training - April 2023
Download PDF • 120KB


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